2025 Niles Burn Run
July 25th - 27th
501c3 EIN: 20-4879633
Interested in being a sponsor?
Check out our goal and why we need your help!
For the last 3 years with the help of our generous sponsors and donors we were able to completely pay for the Niles Burn Run before the event started Saturday morning. This allowed for every registration received, dollar donated, and raffle ticket bought to go straight to the Great Lakes Burn Camp. With everyone’s help we been able to present them with $100,000 over the last 3 years! This has allowed over 140 kids to go to camp or receive college & trade school scholarships when they are no longer able to attend camp.
Our Goal for the 2025 Niles Burn Run is the same as it was for the last 3years. To one, pay for everything needed to put on the event before the start of the event and two, to help send as many children to camp as possible and support the Great Lakes Burn Camp any way we can.
We need your help! We cannot do this alone we need your support as we continue this goal, without the partnerships between the many amazing companies and individuals we have been lucky to work with none of this would be possible. We look forward to joining together for another great year of supporting a great cause in our community!